It took me longer to prepare my book, than I'd expected. I didn't end up actually making an entry as my character, until April 14th. I've consistently made entries daily since then, though, so feel I've somewhat redeemed myself on that account. I've also added random bits here and there, which is something I apparently can't help but do, even in character. It's my book so I see no reason not to continue, though I am curbing it more than in my normal art journals.
This year's theme is 'No Explanations,' so I won't bore anyone with a detailed background about my character or what she's talking about in her entries. Heck, I may not know yet anyway...she's evolving. She doesn't even have a name yet.
Slight background story...for the sake of not having to do a ton of research, my character lives at the Jane Hotel in New York, where I stayed for an extended weekend last December. (They do have full-time residents there, although I can't seem to find the cost of rent online.) Much of what my character refers to is based on things I experienced while in NY, though, let me tell ya, I'm taking a LOT of liberties. Sometimes I'm just flat out making sh*t up.
So here we go!
My character was inspired to leave home (wherever that was, who knows) after reading this article. |
How embarrassing. I just realized that I'm missing the first 'real' page. Gah. Will have to add that pic later...
==> Here is the later added photo....
The journal entry on the first page is as follows:
(4-15-2014) Now what. Journal all of my hopes & dreams? I think I should just document what's going on. Maybe then the other stuff will just happen. Maybe not. Feeling cynical. And tired. So far: Left everything & everyone. Needed a new start. Moved into the Jane Hotel on April Fool's Day as a resident, not a guest. The bellhop & I joked about the date. But maybe it was a sign. Too many signs...
Found this book on a curb, which seemed like another sign. Decided to use it as a journal then realized I have few (none) supplies so will have to be extra resourceful. I can do this.
Just as a reminder, the writing is done quickly, kind of free-form, and with no editing. Please pardon the run-on sentences etc!
So, that's it so far, other than the page I missed and the one I did last night and forgot to photograph. I hope if you made it this far, that you are awake!
Please leave comments (or not, whatever) and let me know if the font size is even readable. I'm new to Blogger and it's doing some weird layout things that I can't figure out how to fix.
Interesting concept for starting over. I'm enjoying your posts.